JGen Activities Parent Consent
Please note that this is a One-Time Consent form for all JGen youth activities for September of current year – August the following year.
This consent form only need to be filled out once per year and is good from September 1st through August 31st of the next year.
Parent Name
Student #1
Name of Youth
Is your youth presently being treated for an injury or sickness or taking any medication?
Please select one option.
If yes, please explain.
Does your youth have, or has your youth ever had, any of the following? (Please check all that apply.)
Please select all that apply.
Hay Fever
Heart Murmur
Kidney Disease
Seizure Disorders
If yes, please explain.
Does your youth ever sleepwalk?
Please select one option.
Does your youth have a physical handicap or illness that would prevent him or her from participating in normal rigorous activity?
Please select one option.
If yes, please explain.
Student #2
Name of Youth
Is your youth presently being treated for an injury or sickness or taking any medication?
Please select all that apply.
If yes, please explain.
Does your youth have, or has your youth ever had, any of the following? (Please check all that apply.)
Please select all that apply.
Hay Fever
Kidney Disease
Heart Murmur
Seizure Disorders
If yes, please explain.
Does your youth ever sleepwalk?
Please select all that apply.
Does your youth have a physical handicap or illness that would prevent him or her from participating in normal rigorous activity?
Please select all that apply.
If yes, please explain.
Student #3
Name of Youth
Is your youth presently being treated for an injury or sickness or taking any medication?
Please select all that apply.
If yes, please explain.
Does your youth have, or has your youth ever had, any of the following? (Please check all that apply.)
Please select all that apply.
Hay Fever
Kidney Disease
Heart Murmur
Seizure Disorders
If yes, please explain.
Does your youth ever sleepwalk?
Please select all that apply.
Does your youth have a physical handicap or illness that would prevent him or her from participating in normal rigorous activity?
Please select all that apply.
If yes, please explain.
Doctor/Insurance Information
Family Doctor
Doctor's Phone
Insurance Company
Policy Number
Consent and Certification
I, the undersigned, being the parent or legal guardian of the youth named above, do hereby consent to the participation of my youth in all the scheduled youth activities of NEWDAY CHURCH and any other supervised activities customarily associated with its youth group, including youth rallies, overnight or weekend youth trips. Further, I certify that my youth is physically fit and adequately prepared to participate in all recreational events. If I wish to revoke this consent for any reason, I will promptly notify the youth leader in writing.
Please select one option.
I agree
I do not agree
Medical Treatment and Authorization
I understand that I will be notified in the case of a medical emergency. However, in the event that I cannot be reached, I authorize and give permission to NewDay Church staff in providing of necessary medical services in the event that my youth is injured or becomes ill. I understand NewDay Church will not be responsible for medical expenses incurred solely on the basis of this authorization. I further agree to notify the youth director in writing of any health changes that would restrict my youth’s participation in any normal youth activities. I also understand that the youth leaders and designated adult chaperones reserve the right to restrict my youth from any activity that they do not feel is within the physical capabilities of my youth.
Please select one option.
I agree
I do not agree
Please note that this is a One-Time Consent form for all JGen youth activities for September of current year – August the following year.
Please Fix the Following